Aloha and welcome

Our mission is to inspire the community by connecting ‘ohana to Native Hawaiian practices that focus on emotional & mental well-being.

Kekuhi Hopena

Malama kekahi i kekahi me ka ho’a malama. Strengthening indigenous identity as a community to thrive sustainably through skill sets, self-sovereignty, and healing.

Our Vision

Ka Huaka’i

To inspire healthier families with a connection to Native Hawaiian practices focusing on emotional and mental well-being by establishing indigenous identity foundations through experience and education.

Our Mission

Ho’aka Mana —
to strike with intention.

Our three hale.

  • Our focus is preservation of natural resources ranging from the sustainability of the land to the voices of indigenous peoples of Hawaii and beyond. This “hale” encompasses research, documentaries, mo’olelo, curriculum, practices and sacred sites.

  • Focuses on cultural workshops, skill-set building, mālama kupuna, mālama ‘ike, connection to state & county resources.

  • ‘Ohana foundations for single-parent homes can be difficult. Pili Aloha focuses on the well-being and connections of parents and their keiki to share in secure and safe places while meeting those in similar situations.

On the blog.

Follow Us on Social Media @HoakaMana

Volunteer with us!

At Ho’aka Mana, we believe that everyone has the power to contribute to positive change. Whether you have a few hours a week or can commit to a longer-term project, your time and skills are invaluable to us.